Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Universal Way

The Universal Way is the destination
of all spiritual efforts of human kind.
It serves all people's lives,
everywhere and always.

The Universal Way conveys the deep truth
of all conscious elaborations of the human mind.
It contains the vast and profound essence
of the human spirit.
Thus it transcends all religious teachings,
leaving them behind,
like the clothing of a bygone season.

The Universal Way is the goal of all sciences,
but is not locked at the level of the intellect.
It cuts through all wasteful skepticism
and inexhaustible searching.
Thus it surpasses all sciences,
leaving them behind
like historical relics of the past.

The Subtle Essence that is sought
by all sciences and all religions
transcends all attempts to reach it
by means of thought, belief or experiment.
The Universal Way leads directly to it
and guides you to reach it yourself
by uniting with the Integral Nature of the Universe.

The Universal Way is like the master key
to all doors leading to the inner room
of ultimate truth.
It is the master teaching of all teachings,
yet it relies on no religions and no experiments.
There is no need for intellectual or emotional detours
that cannot serve the lives of all people
everywhere and always.
Follow the Universal Way beyond all boundaries
to the heart and essence of natural life itself.

Esoteric Tao Teh Ching
by Hua-Ching Ni

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