Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On top of a hill that resembles a woman's buttocks ,
or an over ripe peach, a narrow access road that
leads up her cleavage to a radio tower perched
on top, on top of which blinks a red light. Most likely
put there to keep distracted pilots from from running
into it, weather at night, or on the misty mornings
that hang on the hills like a Chinese painting, one
of the many natural beauties of this area. Like most
towns the churches here also have sharp pointy towers
or spires, perhaps meant to attract the gods or angels.
One attracted a lightning strike a few years ago and
burned out the bell tower. The local sheriff I had talked
to happened to witness the strike while in the midst
of keeping the peace. A New York artist held an exhibition
of an assembly of charred fragments of a church burned
to the ground, also by a lightning strike. A puzzled explosion
of fire blackened wood suspended in the space of a large
gallery, hanging silently in the still air of reflection.

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